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Jiyo Sakhi Combo


About Product : Every women is i ntimately tied to nature. The menstrual cycle follows the cycle of the moon, ebbing and flowing every 28 days in most case. A women’s bodycan grow and changes, like the earth, to hold the life that grows within, and like the soil belowe us. A women  body assimilates the nutrients needed to grow the perfect food for her children. Perhaps, this connection with the cycle of the nature have something to do with the powerful relationship that platns can have in supporting the health of women. This is pure and potent natural female friendly food prepared under strict hygienic and scientfic conditions. It enhances the natural cleansing of the entire system of a women and imporves overall healh and stress managment system. It improves hormonal imbalances and premenstrual syndromes and more.

Health Benefits : It helps to purify and moves stagnant blood which normalizes menstrution. It is a natural gynaecological tonic which balance and reduce the pain xperienced during female menstrual cycle. It is effective in dymenorrhoea and menorrhagia and brings regularity to feminine rhythms, naturally. It cools the symptoms of inflammation during menstruation and menopause and reduces emotinal irritability. It is very much helpful in mitigating premenstrual syndrom(PMS).


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